Art and Cake’s weekly art calendar has changed. Facebook was getting too tedious trying to cull through so many events each day with their new feature of adding many days to an event. We have decided to post only that weeks events and add more in depth information to help you decide where to go each week. In addition, each week will be a different contributor to keep the content fresh, relevant and edgy.
Enjoy and as always thank you for your continued support!!
(If you would like to submit an event or press release, send to with a high res jpeg for publication)
This weeks Lineup contributed by Jody Zellen
Wednesday November 28th
HR for Art Workers with Anuradha Vikram
Women’s Center for Creative Work (WCCW)
2425 Glover Place, Elysian Valley, Los Angeles
Wednesday November 28, 7-10 pm
Hosted by Christy Roberts Berkowitz & WCCW
Human Resources for Art Workers (not to be confused with the art space) is an idea for a service-based art workers union. Our intention is to utilize tools such as restorative justice, mediation and conflict resolution, legal council, support groups, and mutual aid resources. This month the collective welcomes guest speaker Anuradha Vikram, head curator at 18th Street Art’s Center and author of “Decolonizing Culture: Essays on the Intersection of Art and Politics,” followed by a conversation about the group’s core values and mission.
Human Resources for Art Workers a conversation, a working group, and a community building exercise. If you are interested in brainstorming, cultivating, and/or co-organizing for art workers rights, please joins us as we collectively begin to wade into these waters.
Thursday November 29
Mark Seliger, Photographs
Fahey/Klein Gallery
148 North La Brea Avenue
Thursday November 29, 7-9 pm
Saturday December 1
Art Collector Starter Kit V
Corey Helford Gallery
571 S Anderson St, Los Angeles, California 90033
December 1, 7-10 pm
On Saturday, December 1st, Corey Helford Gallery’s popular Art Collector Starter Kit group exhibition returns for its 5th annual event with all new 12×12″ works from an exciting line-up of new and established New Contemporary artists. The motivation behind an exhibition of all 12×12″ paintings stems from the fact that newer collectors, or enthusiasts, who have never bought an original piece from one of their favorite artists, may now do so.
Ray Turner, California
Peter Mendenhall Gallery
180 S. Lake Avenue, Suite 110 Pasadena, CA 91101
December 1, 6-8 pm
The Lodge
December 1, 6-9 pm
Open House at Lapis Press
8563 Higuera St., Culver City
December 1, 11 am – 2 pm
Beautiful Decay L.A.: Julie Reynoso, Jorge Ruano and Seann Brackin
The SolShip
1825 Echo Park Ave. LA 90026
December 1, 5-9 pm
Fine Art Exhibit: A conglomerate of 3 local artist’s work, which address current issues specific to LA
Spine: Madeline Hollander, Eva LeWitt, Ragen Moss
1206 South Maple Avenue, Suite 715
December 1, 2018, 7-9pm
Featuring Madeline Hollander, Red Shoes (2018), performed by Hollander, Ironstone, Julienne Mackey, Dominique McDougal, Kim Thompson, and Pia Vinson.
Sunday December 2
Unearthing Matter
Matter Studio Gallery
5080 W. Pico Blvd
December 2, 4-7pm
Join us for the opening reception of our debut show, Unearthing Matter, featuring artists Water Kerner, Karla Funderburk, Trazail Tucker, Louis Jacinto and Walter Johnson.