#drawing machines
#Pablo Garcia
Ten years after Pablo Garcia released the NeoLucida, a modern iteration of a centuries-old drawing tool, the Chicago-based artist and designer has a new model. The NeoLucida Plus works similarly to the original tabletop device: simply peer into the small eyepiece, and see a shadow image superimposed onto the surface below.
Camera lucidas emerged in the early 19th century, and today, most vintage models come with large price tags. To use the device, artists look through a small prism that creates a ghosted reflection of the scene directly in front of them. Rather than relying on freehand sketching, the aid allowed users to trace an image and easily create accurate and proportionate drawings.
Garcia’s new model includes a redesigned prism that produces a brighter image, with an integrated shade lens and aperture control to adjust the light. The NeoLucida Plus is currently funding on Kickstarter, and rewards are going quickly.
All images © Pablo Garcia, shared with permission
#drawing machines
#Pablo Garcia
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