1. Marina Xenofontos, Holding back, holding tight, 2023, Merino wool fabric, embroidery, steel structure gallery, 330 x 150 cm
2. Marina Xenofontos, Old Ford Rd, 2023, MDF wood, print on plexiglass, LED lights, Arduino board, reflective sensor, 69 x 53 x 53 cm
3. Marina Xenofontos and Kyriakos Kyriakides, Heart shaped maquette for future photography show, 2020, Wood, inkjet prints (2018–20), felt, steel base, 53 x 98 x 93 cm
4. Marina Xenofontos, Underpass, 2010–23, MDF wood, silk screen print on steel (2010), steel base, 80 x 65 x 54 cm
5. Marina Xenofontos, Underground plan 1:100, 2019, Wood, resin paint, cleaning product, 80 x 53.5 x 65 cm
6. Marina Xenofontos, Main engine, 2023, Found industrial air-conditioner, turned wood, 100rpm motor, 57 x 68 x 64 cm
7. Marina Xenofontos, Grandfathers distillery, shed for making canes, and his pet donkey, Inos’, home, 2023, MDF wood, c-prints from colour negatives (2005), 70 x 63 cm
8. Marina Xenofontos, Landing, 2021–23, Cardboard maquette for Ceiling Inferno animation (2021), sulphur, 110 x 98 cm
The doors from the entrance of the gallery were relocated to the doorway of the old office for the purpose of the exhibition
at Hot Wheels Athens
until 12 August, 2023