During the Season 14 vacation on RHONY, we witnessed this cast’s worst conflict to date. But the season isn’t over.
On Sunday night’s episode, simmering tensions between Sai and Jessel began to boil over.
Jessel didn’t know what she’d done to upset her. Sai was oh so happy to fill her in.
In response, Jessel declared that she was so over this “mean girl s–t” … and also called Erin Sai’s “pet parrot.”

Not everyone was in a good place on Sunday’s episode of The Real Housewives of New York City.
Season 14, Episode 13 began with a revelation that beautiful Brynn Whitfield is sick with COVID. There is no justice in this world.
She was recovering and chatting with her brother from quarantine. Meanwhile, another Housewife would soon be off the board.

A brand invited Jenna Lyons to fly out to Scotland to stay in the unreasonably beautiful countryside.
Before heading off, she discussed her plans with Jessel Taank.
This is when Jessel revealed that she and her husband, Pavit, had finally, finally boned. They had not since she last gave birth, and it was long overdue.

After sharing her triumphant story of once again boning her husband, Jessel opened up about meeting up with Sai De Silva.
Now, she was late. Jessel says about 15 minutes late. Sai says about 35 minutes late. Erin Lichy, for unknown reasons, rounds this up to 40 minutes late.
Oh, yes. While Jessel tells Jenna what went down, including her guilt over being late, we hear Sai tell Erin her version.

However, Sai’s issue has less to do with Jessel being late and more with Jessel’s attempt to connect with her.
Previously, Jessel brought up her alcoholic uncle. She lived with him, and he later died. Jessel figured that Sai would understand, given her experiences with her own mother.
Sai understood. But she felt deeply offended that Jessel would compare an uncle to a mother.

Erin immediately understood Sai’s issue. To her, and to Sai, these were apples and oranges.
Meanwhile, Jenna told the confessional camera that Jessel wants connection with the cast members who don’t like her. The less connection that they give, the more that she wants. Sometimes, that’s human nature.
“But your mom is your mom,” Jenna reasoned to the camera. “And it’s really different than anyone else on the planet.” True!

Jessel declared that she had said what she wanted to say. And she was prepared to give up on being friends with Sai.
Sai said that she “genuinely” didn’t care about that awkward situation anymore. She planned to move forward as if “nothing is wrong” to just avoid a needless confrontation.
Look, I share that instinct, but … sometimes, every now and then, it comes back to bite you. Sometimes, you need to address the issue before it spirals out of control.

Sai and Erin also share some gossip about Jessel and Pavit. Pavit, as we know, says that he has tickets to Vietnam to rack up points.
That’s bizarre. It would be an odd choice at almost any economic bracket, but especially for rich people.
Both women seem to feel that Pavit is staying in Vietnam just long enough to “get into trouble.” Erin lists other issues in the marriage, including how long they went without sex. It paints a worrisome picture.

Sai and Erin and their respective husbands meet up at a club, where Erin orders a flight of guacamole.
She does feel a little offended that Sai is constantly eating before Erin’s events. Okay but like … if you’re serving caviar and Pringles, you know that not everyone’s going to love it.
Jessel and her husband will be joining them. And both women task their husbands with finding out what’s up with Pavit’s weird flights to Vietnam.

Apparently, Pavit has made multiple round trip flights to Vietnam … for miles. He also explains that he enjoys the experience of flying … and getting away from his family.
He says this right in front of Jessel. Meanwhile, she grows fairly defensive, and finds the questions intrusive.
Speaking of which, she and Sai have a heart-to-heart once the men go drinking.

“I was upset because you’re not understanding what we’re saying to you,” Sai explained. “It’s like, there’s no accountability and for anything. And you’re talking in circles. It’s like nothing is making sense.”
And there was more: “I’m sitting at the lunch and you bring up my mom. I’ll be honest with you. I don’t want to talk about my mom in that aspect.”
Jessel did not realize that she had offended her, or that the subject was off-limits. She wouldn’t have brought it up. Privately, however, Jessel feels angry that Sai thinks so little of her own story.

“I am honestly blown away,” Jessel told the confessional camera.
“Being offended that I shared a story about my uncle who went through a really hard time and eventually passed away?” she remarked. “I have no words.”
The conversation goes on, with Sai accusing her of having “lied” about Pavit going to Vietnam because he couldn’t book his ticket yet due to closed borders.

“Seriously, I’m so over this mean girl s–t and it is mean girl s–t,” Jessel countered.
Sai disagreed: “Nobody is being a mean girl, Jessel. You make no sense when you speak. You cannot answer a question and you speak in circles.”
“I don’t get a chance Sai, the minute I try, this is what happens,” Jessel replied. She then gestured to an unaware Erin. “She, your f–king pet parrot [gets involved].”

“It’s just me and you talking right now,” Sai hit back. “She’s talking to Ubah. You f–king had me sitting there for 35 minutes and didn’t even have the decency to call me.”
“I didn’t even want to be at the lunch, it was a waste of my f–king time,” Sai declared.
“I’m actually so f–king over you,” Sai announced. “Let’s be done. I’m out. f—ing bitch.” As she got up and stormed away, Jessel called her a “Diva!”