The International Day of Music is returning to the streets of Minneapolis this July, boasting a longer list of music and dance acts than ever before. More than 25 Twin Cities-based dancers and musicians will hit the stage Saturday July 15, performing inside and outside Orchestra Hall.
The festival features music and dancing from many different backgrounds, highlighting sounds and cultures from all over the world. From African drum rhythms to traditional South American instrumentals, there’s guaranteed to be something for everyone.
The event plans to go on for a tremendous 12 hours, from noon to midnight, leaving plenty of time for attendees to sing or swing with whatever music they fancy.
Finishing out the festival on the evening is a free one-hour concert by the Minnesota Orchestra, featuring many classical favorites, film music, and patriotic tunes, from the theme of Jurassic Park to William Grant Still’s Festive Overture. The concert will take place outside Orchestra Hall, on Peavey Plaza.
The event is completely free, no purchase required. For more information about the event and to see the full event schedule, visit the event website.