Film photography tips: Composing for 6×6 format

Most film photographers who start shooting medium format film often do using 6×6 format. Most of us are no strangers to square framing, thanks to Instagram. Still, if you’re used to shooting mostly in 35mm format, composing for 6×6 can take some getting used to. It’s not as simple as placing subjects at the center all the time, so beautiful compositions can be tricky. If you’re new to this format, today’s featured film photography tips should be able to help.

In the video above, UK-based photographer and filmmaker Tom Humble put together six awesome tips from himself and other film photographers. Their techniques include creating eye-catching off-center compositions, using the foreground, building layers, and even the classics like Rule of Thirds and leading lines. As for Humble himself, he considers the square format as a perfectly balanced and symmetrical frame. So, the main goal should be to keep the composition simple, uncluttered and to the point.

These inputs definitely come from extensive experience with 6×6 format. We can see it in the sample photos that accompanied each tip. All of the photographers gave really interesting insights on why framing images in the way they suggested gives them great results. So, go ahead and give these tips a go!

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