“Don’t ask where we’re going” is the title of a film produced in 1966 by Tomislav Gotovac, which curator Gabriela Gantenbein has used as creative source for her eponymous exhibition at Gregor Podnar in Vienna.
At the heart of the exhibition’s concept is the notion of the archive (from Noit Banai’s impulse essay “Untold Narratives” for this year Curated by edition), transposed in a philosophical context by the curator, who analyzes it through C.G. Jung’s collective unconscious.
The eight artists in the exhibition open their own inner archives and share them with us. They speak about human existence, the quest for freedom, the revelation of an unspeakable universe, the inseparable connection to our planet Earth and eventual metamorphoses. Their works challenge us to dare looking into our own individual archive and find a possible answer to the question where are we going, and to shape our future according to our inner archive’s insights.
Only by respecting our spiritual subconscious, understanding the history of evolution, honoring each individual life, and reflecting on our own fragility, we can preserve our existence.
Curated by Gabriela Gantenbein.
at Gregor Podnar, Vienna
until November 16, 2024