The blistering court battle between Amber Heard and Johnny Depp revealed all sorts of gross and disgusting incidents with the famous A-listers … but not even allegations that Heard dropped a ‘grumpy’ on Jack Sparrow’s bed could stop people from needing a reminder of the 37-year-old starlet’s best assets.
‘Depp v. Heard‘ began streaming earlier this month on Netflix and has been getting a broad range of reviews – with most claiming filmmaker Emma Cooper’s 3-part documentary falls flat of revealing any groundbreaking insight into the media circus surrounding Depp and Heard’s court battle.
However, one result of the documentary is that fans needed a reminder of some of Amber Heard’s most significant roles, and have been scouring the Internet for the multiple nude and sexy scenes she’s filmed over the years.
Enter the famed Mr. Skin, who has done the work compiling Heard’s best work – and we’re told the website has seen a huge increase in traffic specifically for the star.
According to the landing page for Heard’s nude scenes:
“Amber Heard is one foxy bird, and Mr. Skin has corralled together all of her hottest and nudest scenes for you to do the five knuckle shuffle to.”
The early 2000s were clearly the time for Amber Heard to bare it all, as clips from 2009’s ‘The Informers,’ 2009’s ‘The Joneses’ and 2006’s ‘Alpha Dog,’ top the charts at Mr. Skin.
These scenes are sure to put you in a better mood after you’re finished with the saga of, Who Sh*t on the Bed?