Whitney Thore gets too competitive on My Big Fat Fabulous Life. She is in Switzerland with her family. However, she turns a fun activity into a competition.
My Big Fat Fabulous Life: Whitney Thore Turns Toboggan Ride into Competition
Whitney Thore is in Grindelwald, Switzerland, with her father, brother, and new family. They are all going down a mountain on a coaster. However, she is nervous about going on the ride. She finds it to be a tight squeeze to get on it. Yet, when she is on it, she knows that her weight is going to be an advantage to going down the mountain faster.
Vacation time = competition time! Whitney and her fam go tobogganing in Switzerland on a new #MyBigFatFabLife Tuesday at 9/8c. pic.twitter.com/YnfBcYVYkk
— TLC Network (@TLC) November 20, 2023
The My Big Fat Fabulous Life cast member turns the mountain coaster into a competition. She wants to see who can go down the fastest. However, if she isn’t able to fit on the sled, she can’t compete. She doesn’t want to let her niece, Jamie, beat her by default. So, she knows she will have to at least try to go down the mountain in the toboggan.
Whitney is able to fit in and starts to go down the hill. She tries to catch up to Jamie. But it is harder than she thought it was going to be. Jamie shows no signs of slowing down, and she isn’t able to catch up.
Whitney Claims Dad as the Loser
Whitney made it down the mountain. However, getting out of the toboggan was a struggle. She didn’t know when she was supposed to get off. So, she jumps off at the last minute. She says that the instructions to get off weren’t clear.

The My Big Fat Fabulous Life castmate feels her dad, Glenn Thore, was the slowest to go down the mountain. However, Jamie tells her aunt that she thinks she is the slowest. However, she disagrees and says, “Trust me, Dad is slower.”
There was no clear winner of who went down the mountain the fastest. But will Whitney turn everything they do during their family trip to Switzerland into a competition?

My Big Fat Fabulous Life Celeb Too Competitive?
Whitney Thore turning everything into a competition angers fans. One person asks why she has “to turn everything into a contest.” They feel that it is fine to “enjoy activities together and not compete.” Another person thinks she should take the “competitiveness down a notch.”
Some of My Big Fat Fabulous Life fans don’t like that she always wants to beat her niece, Jamie. One person feels that her “obsession with beating Jamie at everything is unhealthy.” Another person thinks that it is “getting out of control.” A person also can’t wait for Jamie to “put her in her place.”
Fans feel Whitney should focus more on getting to know her new family than beating them in competitions. They also think that she should focus on having fun. But could competing be her way of bonding?
Soap Dirt always has the best My Big Fat Fabulous Life inside scoop.