Jenelle Evans is pushing back against a VERY troubling accusation.
As you may have read about by now, the former Teen Mom star’s son, Jace, reportedly ran away from home this week…
… for the third time in a month.
Thankfully, the 14-year old was found — but not before he allegedly told the police that Jenelle’s husband, David Eason, had assaulted him in some manner.

On September 29, Evans called 911 and told the police that Jace had snuck out of a window of her North Carolina residence.
This incident took place not long after Jace went missing due to a dispute with his mother over cell phone usage… so claimed Evans at the time at least.
Just two weeks after the aforementioned initial incident, Jace was reported missing for a second time, eventually getting tracked down at a local gas station.
It’s worth remembering that Jenelle only gained full custody of her son this past March — after he had been raised by his grandmother, Barbara, as a result of Jenelle’s legal and substance abuse issues around the time he was born.

It’s a lot to keep track of.
Most pressing at the moment, however, is the fact that cops spoke to Barbara after Jace’s latest vanishing. And she told them that Jace alleged Eason had beaten him up.
“Made contact with Barbara who advised [Jace] was not at the residence…” the police report reads.
“She advised that she had spoken to [Jace] earlier in the evening when he called from an unknown number and told her about being assaulted by David Eason and that he ran away and was hiding…”

Now, according to The Sun, that Jace has marks on his neck and on his arms in the wake of Eason’s supposed attack.
An insider told this outlet that Jace was taken to the hospital after running away on Thursday and told doctors, a therapist, the Sheriff from North Carolina’s Columbus County and a Child Protective Services (CPS) staffer that he was physically attacked by Jenelle’s spouse.
In the hospital, Jace claimed the violent incident took place the night before he ran away.
It was reportedly captured by a Ring camera … CPS is investigating the allegation… and it’s been reported that Jenelle was present at the time of the assault.

Jenelle, though, says this is all BS.
“This isn’t about David whether you want to blame him or not,” she wrote Monday on Facebook.
“My mom says a lot of untrue things lately to everyone about me but wanted me to have custody? Imagine what you don’t hear from my side…
“Honestly idk why my own mother is acting the way she is. I feel now she’s using police to falsely report just trying to make us look bad as a family.
“There are multiple people involved in this situation and they know the truth, and so does God.”

Jenelle has very, very often clashed with her mom.
Evans was recently denied a restraining order against Barbara and then went online to trash the f-ck out of her.
“Just for insight she has not tried speaking or visiting my kids since July,” Jenelle added on October 2 of her parent.
“I’m so confused at this moment and wish I had one parent that was stable enough to talk to. #ToxicParents.”