Over the past few weeks, we’ve learned a lot about Tori Roloff’s professional life.
Simply put, it doesn’t appear to have a bright future… at least not as far as reality television is concerned.
The mother of three is reportedly done with Little People, Big World.
On the personal side, meanwhile? Roloff shared some more important and troubling news with social media followers this week.

On Wednesday, the 31-year old used her Instagram Stories page to speak about how being a mother has impacted her health.
“So one of the biggest blessings in my life has been motherhood. I love being a mom and I love my kids, and… all the things,” she began in a video that reached many hundreds of thousands of individuals.
“However, people don’t tell you the bad things that happen after you have kids.
“And for me personally, one of those things has been my gut health, and it’s just kind of terrible.”

Trying to strike a lighter tone, Tori then continued as follows:
“You know, I’m not 20 anymore and I can’t eat whatever I feel like eating, and I have gut issues ever since I’ve had Josiah, which is super fun.”
Over the next two entries on her same Stories page, Roloff showed off the vitamins she takes for her gut health and also provides to her family, offering a 20 percent off code to her fans.
Yes, this may have been a truthful message from Tori.
But it’s pretty clear she also made some money off delivering it.

Roloff has always been rather candid with her fans and followers; it’s why so many folks love her so much.
In August, for example, Tori got angry when rumors of a pregnancy started to circulate around the Internet.
“Okay, I just need to vent for like a minute,” the reality star began as her kids could be heard in the background of another video.
“I feel like we’ve been pretty open, like we don’t want any more kids. No, I’m not pregnant. I’ve had three babies: three C-sections and a miscarriage.
“Like my body has been through so much.”
This may even explain some of her ongoing, self-described gut issues.

As for her future on TLC?
We know that Tori doesn’t get along with her father-in-law, Matt Roloff, and Matt’s future stepson, Connor Chandler, addressed the future of his impending relatives in a feature with The Sun this month.
“They’re kind of doing their own thing,” Connor told this outlet of Zach and Tori, who moved to Washington over a year ago and who are a bit estranged from Matt.
“I did hear through the grapevine that they do not want to be on another season if the show were to continue…
“I do believe no matter whether there’s a continuance or not, Zach and Tori probably will not be seen on the next season.”
For the record, neither Tori nor Zach has confirmed this speculation.