Whenever the 85mm focal length is mentioned, most photographers immediately think about portrait photography. While it’s definitely among the first focal lengths that portrait photographers reach for, there’s more to it than that. It actually comes pretty handy for other types of photography as well!
In the video above, Sydney, Australia-based Pat Kay shares his insights on why the 85mm works great for almost every photography genre. However, he also first clarifies that he refers to 85mm prime lenses for Full Frame cameras. Then, he covers some basic facts about this focal length, how it’s used based on its characteristics and build, then how he uses it for a wide range of photography. Hopefully, these tidbits of information will inspire you to experiment with other genres if you already have this lens.
Of course, we can’t talk about 85mm and not mention compression. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why many photographers love to use this focal length for outdoor portraits. In case you’re new to the term, Kay also gives a quick explanation for that. The combination of the compression with shallow depth of field, he notes, is what primarily draws him to the 85mm. He finds it effective for street photography and landscape photography, although it’s not among the traditional focal lengths for the genres.
Do you agree with the points and insights Pat Kay mentioned above? Share your thoughts in the comments below!