Alexa Hunter
Los Angeles, CA
Age 66
What keeps you excited in the studio?
new stones, new shapes, the working out of an idea, the successful solder.
Looking back at your trajectory as an artist, how would you say your work has developed?
Strangely, in fits and starts, and has ranged from painting, to music, to performance to metalsmsithing.
What role do you think the artist has in today’s society?
To add lustre, color, depth to the emotional roller coaster called life.
What’s the most important advice you could give to an aspiring artist?
Keep doing something, visual, aural, kinestetic. Try different mediums. Don’t listen to your critics. Seek out a few carefully chosen cheerleaders.
Does age matter in art? Why or why not?
With age comes more gravitas and more freedom.
What can we look forward to from you next?
A whole lot of pieces using turquoise.
Is there anything else you would like to share about being an artist later in life?
Less worried about the day job!